The Definitive Guide to Audio

The Definitive Guide to Audio

The Definitive Guide to Audio is the ultimate guide to all things streaming audio and consumer trends. The DGA is released annually and is full of consumer insights, data-driven trends, and tips for how marketers could best position themselves in the market. In a year that everyone got real cozy with their zoom backgrounds and headphones, consumer shifts happened at an electric pace.

We took this insight and built out a gamified solution that would add value to marketers' day without loading up their emails or download folder with a heavy e-book. We developed a quiz that highlighted trends, shared insights, and reinforced the power of audio in a marketing strategy. On top of that, we released a cheat sheet for the shifts and predictions for the next year so that marketers could get a much-deserved leg up in their future forecasting.

Creative Director: Eric Suliga

Art Director/Designer: Cecilia Cruz

Developers: Manny Trevino & Amanda Fales


Digital Experience


Social marketing

Pandora for Brands Social

Volume two - The Innovation Boom

DGA Volume 2